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Physician-led house calls

What to expect

  • Once you fill out the form, you will be contacted and an agreed-upon time for an online interview with Dr. Sheila will be arranged.

  • A 20-minute interview will be the next step. Dr. Sheila will go over your past history and determine if there are any obstacles to therapy. She will also discuss the details of the process, including specifics of the therapy offered and cost.

  • Next, a date for the three daily injections is set. Consent forms are then signed, and final arrangements are made.

  • Dr. Sheila will arrive at the time and place arranged. She will answer any last-minute questions, check blood pressure and pulse, and the injection will be administered in the area of the thigh with the client lying down.

  • Dr. Sheila will be at the bedside for the whole treatment and monitor respiration and body movements, and, although extremely rare and unanticipated, will be the one to respond to any emergencies.

  • The Metis usually works in 3-5 minutes and usually lasts 45 minutes to 1 hour. 

  • Upon awakening, one may feel a little groggy and unsteady, but this passes quickly. Dr. Sheila will make sure that you are awake and alert and assist you in your first movements from the reclining position. She will answer any questions and make certain that you are feeling well before she leaves. After she leaves, she will be available to answer any questions or to help with anything unexpected.

  • This same process will be done 3 consecutive days.

  • Plan for follow-up will be made on the last day. Questions about further treatment will be discussed then.

  • Dr. Sheila does not do individual therapy, however, she can provide information that will link you to people who can help with longer-term talk therapy. Dr. Sheila will contact you weekly for several weeks after the dosing to monitor progress.

You are not alone in your journey, we come to you to provide in-home intramuscular (shot) Metis therapy.

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